Beware of Over Inflating your Truck TiresDIESEL VEHICLE REGULATIONS OVERVIEW2014 Truckers Wanted Job FairDOT Inspector. What he looks for checking a truck?

Beware of Over Inflating your Truck Tires

Fellow Truckers be careful!! when you change  a tire because they can explode if they're over inflated by error it  can kill you while pumping so before doing any thing with trucks tires please keep safety first, please take this video for learning tools avoiding an accident or better call the Experts and let them do their job for you.



Violations with ARB diesel programs may result in the following penalties and sanctions:


      • Civil penalties ranging from $300 to $10,000 per vehicle per day.
      • Collection procedures with additional late fees and fines.
      • Liens on real estate or personal property such as vehicles and other assets.
      • ARB may obtain a judgment in superior court and can place liens on assets.
      • A Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Vehicle License Title Stop (VLT). A DMV VLT Stop will prevent registration, renewal, or transfer of your vehicle(s).
      • At the request of ARB, the California Highway Patrol may remove the vehicle in violation from service.
      • ARB may file with the State Controller a request to offset any amount due a state agency from a person or entity, against any amount owing that person or entity by any state agency. Generally, ARB may file a tax offset request with the Franchise Tax Board for any amount owed due to unpaid violations.
If you have received a citation, a notice will be mailed to you within 2-3 weeks. The letter will explain the necessary steps required to clear the citation. It is important that you follow the instructions provided to you to avoid any late penalties or further enforcement actions.

If you have questions about the citation, please contact the appropriate number at the top right corner of the citation – in general, there will be a check mark next to the listed number. More information can also be found on the back of a citation regarding appeal deadlines and procedures.

DOT Inspector. What he looks for checking a truck?

A Federal DOT inspector shows what he looks for when he stops a tractor trailer and makes sure it is road worthy. He answers the question that truckers and trucking companies have been asking for years. This video is a great resource for drivers and managers.